
Saturday 14 April 2012

Taking a Deep Breath

When I got home last night, I took a deep breath.  And looked at clematis montana flowering against the pale-blue, washed-clean evening sky...

...and the apple blossom...

...and the narcissi...

...and the tulips and bluebells...

...aah...that's better!

Then the cat and I went inside to join Alastair for a night of wine and cooking.


  1. Hi Liz
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I must say its very encouraging when someone leaves a comment, I have very few followers compared to some blogs I follow and am not good at posting regularly although I take lots of pictures.
    I love your post on the plants in your garden, I am also a keen gardener and love this time of year, (currently watching last nights gardeners world). I think I will make my next post a gardening one.
    I'm not such a keen cook as this is my husbands hobby and he makes a good risotto, yours looked tasty.
    Happy blogging Pauline

  2. Hi Pauline, thanks for the comment, and looking forward to the gardening post. The risotto wasn't bad, I'm looking forward to trying it with sage. Take care and happy blogging.
