
About Me

Hi, I'm Liz. 

Thank you for reading my blog!  I blog about gardening, cooking and baking and occasionally my attempts to lose weight.  If it's a good week I love eating healthily, rarely eat processed food and do a fair bit of exercise...but if it's a bad week I eat too much bread, cake and chocolate and don't do enough exercise hence the need to lose weight!  

I'm thirty-six and I live in County Durham in the North-East of England.  This is one of the views from my cycle ride to work.  It doesn't usually look like this!

I come from Thoroton, a small village in rural Nottinghamshire.  This is the house I grew up in and where my parents still live.

I live with my husband and two cats.  As well as gardening and baking I love... husband... Mum and Dad... cats...

and my lovely friends.  I also love morning coffee...

...afternoon tea... of all kinds (I'm strictly equal opportunities where wine is concerned)...


...swimming in the sea...

...summer evenings...


...cut flowers in the house...

...walking amidst beautiful views at home and abroad... breaks (I want to do a lot more of these in the future)... bed (!)...

...and of course blogging!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this. And love YOU! Have just raced upstairs to gather together pyjamas and nappies and bedclothes, but once I've administered dinner, I'll be back for a long and luxurious read. You're an inspiration, my darling. Thanks so much for including me in what you've written. "I'm me. Who are you?" EXACTLY!! Much love xxx
