
Monday 9 April 2012

Lazy Day 2

For my most recent birthday, my dear friend Fi bought me a stunningly good present - a gardening planner and some coloured pens.  With spots on!  I was so excited.

She also bought me some gorgeous chocolates, which elevated the whole experience from the stunningly good to the realms of perfection. 

But I digress.  Seeing as today is officially a Lazy Day dedicated to indoor activities of a relaxing kind (we're going to see Titanic in 3D later, hooray!) I sat down with my bible, my gardening planner and my pens, and got to work.

I learnt about crop rotation, and planned what to grow in my three veg beds.  Vegetables can, apparently, be divided up into three groups - "hungry crops", "brassicas" and "root vegetables".  We'd roughly planned what to grow where and, by happy co-incidence, our plans fitted more or less with what the book said we should do.

I also learnt that there is manure in my immediate future - I have been worrying because we didn't manage to dig in any compost in in the back end, but apparently I've still got time to dig in some potato fertiliser and some general purpose fertiliser in my square bed (no. 3), where I'm going to have mainly potatoes but also one row of carrots and one row of parsnips, and to manure the top end of the triangular bed (no. 2) where I'm having my "hungry crops", my onions, leeks, peas and courgettes.  My brassicas, which will go in the pointy end of the triangular bed (no. 1), I can leave alone.  So, next weekend, there's going to be manuring and fertilising, and then the weekend after I can get my first earlies in. Yay!

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