
Sunday 25 November 2012

Rainy Sunday

I couldn't resist sharing some pictures of the scones I made today, as they looked particularly splendid (I have a posh new camera, which I was playing with).  I resisted eating the fruits of my labours, but Alastair said that they tasted splendid too.  According to my Mum - who is a champion baker - it's the sign of a good scone if you can pull it apart with your hands.  Apparently you must never cut a scone.  My scones tore apart like two feathers peeling apart.

It's taken me years to work out how to make them rise that much, and the answer is a bit of a cheat really.  As well as having the oven good and hot, I keep the dough very thick - at least 2cm.  I always use a Delia Smith recipe which says that it makes 12, but I only get 4!  If anyone knows how to make that recipe yield 12 scones that aren't as flat as pancakes, I salue you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yum, these look lovely! I've been really fancying some scones lately, think this has inspired me to make some :)
